Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a yearly licence and what extra will I have to pay for?​
The price we quote you for your annual License is inclusive of support, branding on the site, initial coordinator training and securing the URL, relevant security certificates and set up of the site. The only additional extras would be the purchase of texts and additional training. If you require bespoke developments there may be additional costs.

Do we have to share our eMentor Pro site with anyone else?
No, we buy the site and all the security certificates on your behalf. They belong to you. This means you have complete Autonomy on how you name your URL. It must be a stand alone URL. This additionally means you can customise the site to include your Logo. We give you control over your site settings. You can control censored words, your reports and how, if and when text notifications are sent to your mentors and Mentees.

I only have a small number of mentoring pairs, do you cater for small mentoring projects or do I Need to buy a full licence?
We have packages for all sizes of mentoring projects. Please contact us for more information.
Can we brand our own site?
Each of our customers own their own URLs. This means not only can you personalise the URL and therefore your users email E.g. JBloggs@examplementors.org.uk; it also means we can personalize your site at no extra cost.

How much time will it take out of my day?
There is no definitive answer to this. For the majority of our coordinators, using eMentor Pro is only a small part of their working day. There is an option to give others a project level visibility how much you want to delegate to others, will depend on the amount of time you will spend. On a daily basis you will get sent a daily report, a random selection of emails, invalid email reports (if any) and notification of any emails containing censored text or attachments. We recommend you look at the email volumes on a regular basis and send a broadcast email to those who aren’t communicating.
If you are interested in a managed service please talk to us and we can discuss your needs.

I have specific needs about the language used on the site, will this be a problem?
Not at all the majority of the language used can be changed by the mentoring coordinator themselves.
Mentors can be changed to Coaches/ befriendors/ Peer Mentor.

Can it be integrated with a face to face mentoring programme?
Some of the most successful mentoring programmes have run e-mentoring in conjunction with face to face mentoring.
eMentor Pro allows mentoring to communicate safely in between mentoring meetings. It even allows documents such as CV's or evaluation forms to be sent between users (a copy will be blind copied to the coordinator).

I run two projects along side each other and I need to run them separately do I need to buy 2 licences?
You can run many projects along side each other. The only restriction we make is the number of active mentoring pairs you have on the system. Please contact us for more information on this.